Getting Started

Art Competition
Exhibit Display Requirements

  • Exhibit Size limits:
    • Grades K-2 Classes, Grades K-12 Individuals and Teams:
      • Standard Wall exhibit: Exhibit not to exceed 24” in length by 24” in width.
      • Standard Table exhibit: Exhibit not to exceed 24” in width by 24” in depth, by 48” in height.
    • Grades 9-12 Art Scholarship Individuals and Teams:
      • Art Scholarship Wall exhibit: Exhibit not to exceed 48” in length by 48” in width.
      • Art Scholarship Table exhibit: Exhibit not to exceed 48” in width by 48” in depth by 48” in height.
  • Frames of any material must be approved by the Art Director prior to the close of Exhibit Check-In. If unapproved, the exhibit may be disqualified.
  • Art Scholarship competition:
    • Those wishing to be considered for the Art Scholarship competition must be present for an Interview with the Art Scholarship Committee during the week if the Fair in order to be eligible. Finalists will be selected by the Art Scholarship Committee and notified of the Interview Schedule by the Mastodon Fair.
Artists Statement


  • Write in the first person.
  • Be brief.
  • Describe the current direction of your work.
  • Reread your statement a few days after you’ve written it.

Do Not’s:

  • Use too many personal pronouns.
  • Tell your life story.
  • Quote or refer to anyone else by name.
  • Forget to spell check.


If you’re not sure where to begin, try answering these questions:


When I work with _________ I am reminded that ________.
I begin a piece by ___________.
I know a piece is done when ______________.
When my work is going well, I am filled with a sense of ____________.
When people see my work, I’d like them to ______________.


Now, begin with a simple statement of why you do the work you do. Then, tell the reader why you chose those materials, techniques, themes, etc. Keep it simple. Finally, tell the reader what you are exploring, attempting, or challenging by doing this work.


The following is an example of an artist’s statement that is comparable to a student from K-8th grade:


Hello, I work mostly with oils, acrylic, and/or watercolors, I’m also quite fond of pastel, and drawings. As my painting, drawing or sculptor suggest, my passion is nature and I love to paint still life, landscapes, domestic and wild animals, flora, birds and bugs.


A more in-depth and explanatory artist’s statement, such as the following, is more appropriate from a student in 9-12th grade:


I think of my installations as unfinished inventories of fragments: objects, drawings, paintings, photographs, and other inventions. They are improvisational sites in which the constructed and the readymade are used to question our making of the world through language and knowledge. My arrangements are schematic, inviting the viewer to move into a space of speculation. I rely on our desires for beauty, poetics and seduction. The work thus far has used the frame of the museum to propose a secret history of modernity, and in the process, point to stereotypes of difference, which are hidden in plain sight. I have found the histories of surrealism and minimalism to be useful in the rearranging of received ideas. The objects I make are placed in the canon of modernist art, in hopes of making visible what is overlooked in the historicizing of the artist. This project has always been grounded in pleasure and aesthetics.

Additional Competitions

9-12 Portfolios

The Art Scholarship Competition award is the major award for the high school art division. It is presented to an individual ninth through twelfth-grade student whose portfolio is considered the most outstanding body of work entered in the current Mastodon Fair. The scholarship awards will be given for 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place, and honorable mention. Please Note: All art exhibits MUST comply with the Mastodon Fair Exhibit Rules, Display Guidelines, and the rules regarding entry.

Rules and Procedures REQUIRED for the Art Scholarship Competition

  • Student has met the eligibility requirements of the Mastodon Fair.
  • Student must be in grades 9 – 12.
  • Student has checked the appropriate box on the registration form for Art Scholarship Portfolio Competition.

A student that has elected to enter the Art Scholarship Competition must submit a portfolio. The portfolio must be submitted during Exhibit Check-In (or by instructions in Fair Schedule.)

  1. Portfolio Requirements:
    Attached to the front of the portfolio:
    ○ Student name
    ○ Entry ID number
    ○ Grade level
    ○ Student’s phone number
    ○ Student’s High School name
    ○ Student’s Teacher’s name
    ○ Contact person’s name, phone number, and email address

  2. The portfolio should contain the student’s best work and a sketchbook. The work does not have to be matted. All work should be in good condition. The work should contain a minimum of four different media, such as examples of drawings, paintings, photographs, animation art, digital painting, and three-dimensional work (photographs of 3-D work are acceptable). Please limit copied work to no more than one piece. A self-portrait is recommended. Portfolio pieces are not constrained to direct dimensions.

    Students in the following grade levels should bring:

    ○ Grade 9: Four or more pieces. (50% of work should be from past 2 years)
    ○ Grade 10: Four or more pieces. (50% of work should be from past 2 years)
    ○ Grade 11: Five or more pieces. (50% of work should be from past 2 years)
    ○ Grade 12: Six or more pieces. (50% of work should be from past 2 years)

  3. During judging Art Review Committee will review the portfolio and the piece displayed in the show if applicable. These works will be used to determine the finalists. The finalists will be notified through the contact person designated on the portfolio.

    The finalists must be available for the Finalist Interview at a specified time. If a finalist cannot be present for the Finalist Interview the student is disqualified from the Art Scholarship. (See this year’s calendar for the scheduled interview time.)

    Finalists should be prepared to answer questions that deal with the following: their thoughts about their portfolio, subject matter, materials and techniques, how their work has developed, and future plans.

    For finalist judging criteria please review the grading rubric on our PDF doc platform. All finalists should be present and will receive recognition at the Awards Ceremony, where the winners and honorable mention will be announced.
GENIUS Olympiad

GENIUS Olympiad is an international high school project competition about environmental issues. It is founded and organized by Terra Science and Education and hosted by the Rochester Institute of Technology. GENIUS Olympiad will host projects in five general disciplines with an environmental focus.

More information

Science Competition
Exhibit Display Requirements

  • Participants may compete in only one International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) affiliated Regional Fair.
  • Participants must comply with the Intel ISEF Ethics Statement: Scientific fraud and misconduct are not condoned at any level of research or competition. Plagiarism, use of presentation of other researcher’s works as one’s own, and fabrication or falsification of data will not be tolerated. Fraudulent projects will fail to qualify for competition in the Mastodon Fair and Intel ISEF.
  • Exhibit Size limits:
    • Grades K-2 Classes, Grades K-8 Individuals and Teams :
      • Standard table exhibit: Exhibit not to exceed 65 cm (25”) in width, 60 cm (24”) in depth, and 120 cm (48”) in height.
    • Grades 9-12 Individuals and Teams: Must choose either Standard size or ISEF size.
      • Standard table exhibit: Exhibit not to exceed 65 cm (25”) in width, 60 cm (24”) in depth, and 120 cm (48”) in height.
      • ISEF table exhibit: Exhibit not to exceed 122 cm (48”) in width, 76 cm (30”) in depth, and 274 cm (108”) in height.
Safety Forms
  • All necessary safety forms must be submitted by the close of Exhibit Check-in or risk the exhibit being disqualified from the science competition.
  • All grades may use the Simple Safety Form for certain types of exhibits only.  The form includes a list of exhibit types NOT covered by the form.  Grades 6-8 who use this form will not be eligible for the Broadcom Masters competition.  Grades 9-12 who use this form will not be eligible for the ISEF competition.
  • Grades K-5 whose exhibit type is not covered by the Simple Safety Form must instead submit the appropriate ISEF safety forms.  All ISEF Forms are found here.  The basic 3 forms needed are:  Form 1   Form 1A  Form 1B 
  • Grades 6-8 who wish to be eligible for the Broadcom Masters competition and/or whose exhibit type is not covered by the Mastodon Fair Safety Form must instead submit the appropriate ISEF forms.  All ISEF Forms are found here.  The basic 3 forms needed are:  Form 1   Form 1A  Form 1B 
  • Grades 9-12 who wish to be eligible for the ISEF competition and/or whose exhibit type is not covered by the Mastodon Fair Safety Form must instead submit the appropriate ISEF safety forms.  All ISEF Forms are found here.  The basic 3 forms needed are:  Form 1   Form 1A  Form 1B 

Additional Competitions

ISEF Competition
Those wishing to be considered for the ISEF competition must be present for an interview with the Scientific Review Committee (SRC) during the week of the Fair in order to be eligible. Finalists will be selected by the SRC and notified of the interview schedule by the Mastodon Fair.
Missouri Academy of Science

Junior Academy (MAS)


By entering the Mastodon Fair competition, participants agree
to abide by the following rules, terms, and conditions.

  • Participants must be students or residents in one of the following counties:
    • Missouri – Crawford, Franklin, Jefferson, and Washington. Ste. Genevieve, St. Francois. St. Louis County residents are welcome to enter our Art competition. They may enter the science competition, but are not eligible for Broadcom MASTERS, GENIUS Olympiad, or ISEF awards.
    • Illinois – Brown, Jackson, Perry, Randolph, and Union.
  • Participants must be in grades K-12.
  • Participants under the age of 18 must be entered by a parent, legal guardian, or teacher. If entered by a teacher, it is the teacher’s responsibility to notify the participant’s parent or legal guardian and obtain their authorization to enter their child in the competition.
  • The participant retains all copyright to their exhibit without exception.
  • The participant must be the creator of the exhibit submitted into the competition. It must be the participant’s own original work and not a copy of anyone else’s copyrighted material. If the exhibit infringes upon another’s copyright, it may be disqualified. The participant is solely responsible for any infringement on copyrighted materials.
  • We reserve the right to request proof that your exhibit is your original work created solely by the participant(s). Non-compliance may lead to disqualification.
  • Exhibits must adhere to all Federal, State, and Local laws and the Host institution regulations.
  • Each participant may enter one Art Exhibit and one Science Exhibit as an individual or as part of a team or class.
    • A team may include a maximum of three participants.
    • A class may include a maximum of 35 participants. Only students in grades K-2 may enter as a class. The class shall be identified by the teacher’s name, not the individual students.
  • The exhibit work must have been completed within the year prior to the competition date.
  • The exhibit work must be the original work of the participant(s).  Teachers, parents, and others may only advise.
  • Participant identification shall only be placed on the back of an Exhibit. Participants should not be identified on the front of an Exhibit in a way that the Participant is recognizable via student, teacher, or school to the public and judges. Cover all signatures, photos of Participant, and names if visible on the front of the Exhibit.
  • Any information or symbols from a previous competition must be removed from the Exhibit prior to being displayed in this competition.
  • Mastodon Fair reserves the right to remove any items from the Exhibit or to remove an Exhibit that does not comply with these rules and guidelines. If non-compliant items cannot be removed, the Exhibit will be removed in its entirety and may be disqualified.
  • Any Exhibit deemed to be inappropriate at the discretion of a Fair Official may be removed from display.
  • Submissions which have not completed registration by the close of Exhibit Check-in due to incomplete or incorrect information or lack of entry fee payment may be disqualified.
  • NO SUBSTITUTIONS after the Registration Deadline.
    • One Participant cannot be substituted for another after the Registration Deadline (Example: C. Smith completed the registration but has chosen not to participate. W. Brown cannot take the place of C. Smith.)
    • No changes in category may be made after the Registration Deadline. (Example: A science exhibit cannot change from Biology to Chemistry. An art exhibit cannot change from Drawing to Painting.) Exceptions are made at the discretion of a Fair Official only if it is determined that Mastodon Fair was at fault for the error.
Loss Or Damage

Mastodon Fair, the Host institution, and the Sponsors are not responsible for loss or damage to any Exhibit or any part thereof.

  • Participants are responsible for picking up their Exhibits by the close of the Family Day event. Any Exhibits remaining after that time may be disposed of.
  • Participants may make arrangements for a later pickup time at the discretion of a Fair Official. Arrangements for later pickup times must be scheduled with a Fair Official prior to Family Day.
Non-Exclusive Permissions
  • Mastodon Fair reserves the right to use any photograph/video taken at any event sponsored by Mastodon Fair, without the expressed written permission of those included within the photograph/video. Mastodon Fair may use the photograph/video in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by Mastodon Fair including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc.
  • To ensure the privacy of individuals and children, images will not be identified using full names or personal identifying information without written approval from the photographed subject, parent or legal guardian.
  • By entering the Mastodon Fair competition, you are granting Mastodon Fair a non-exclusive perpetual license to reproduce images of your exhibit in publications or other media material produced, used or contracted by Mastodon Fair including but not limited to: brochures, invitations, books, newspapers, magazines, television, websites, etc.
  • A person attending a Mastodon Fair event or submitting an Exhibit in the competition who does not wish to have their image recorded for distribution should make their wishes known to the photographer, and/or the event organizers, and/or contact Mastodon Fair at 1000 Viking Drive, Hillsboro, MO 63050, in writing of his/her intentions and include a photograph. Mastodon Fair will use the photo for identification purposes and will hold it in confidence.
  • By participating in a Mastodon Fair event or by failing to notify Mastodon Fair, in writing, your desire to not have your image used by Mastodon Fair, you are agreeing to release, defend, hold harmless and indemnify Mastodon Fair from any and all claims involving the use of your image or likeness.
  • Any person or organization not affiliated with Mastodon fair may not use, copy, alter or modify Mastodon Fair photographs, graphics, videography or other, similar reproductions or recordings without the advance written permission of an authorized designee from Mastodon Fair.
Safety Regulations

Failure to comply with safety and display regulations may result in the Exhibit being removed from the display and disqualified.

  • Items not allowed to be submitted as part of any Exhibit:
    • Animals
      • Living organisms
      • Taxidermy specimens or parts
      • Preserved vertebrates or invertebrates
      • Human or animal parts or body fluids
      • Photos or other visual presentations depicting vertebrates in surgical techniques, dissections, necropsies, or other lab procedures.
    • Plants
      • Living plants
      • Plant materials (living, dead, or preserved) in their raw, unprocessed, or non-manufactured state.
    • Other
      • Human or animal food
      • Laboratory or household chemicals including water
      • Poisons, drugs, controlled substances, hazardous substances or devices (examples: firearms, weapons, and tobacco products)
      • Dry ice or other sublimating solids
      • Sharp items (examples: scissors, knives, needles)
      • Flames or highly flammable materials
      • Batteries with open top cells
      • Awards, medals, business cards, flags, endorsements, and/or other acknowledgements (graphic or written) unless the item is an integral part of the exhibit.
      • Active internet or social media connections as part of displaying or operating the exhibit.
      • Glass or glass objects unless receiving prior approval by a Fair Official as an integral part of the Exhibit.
      • Any apparatus deemed unsafe by a Fair Official (examples: lasers, large vacuum tubes, or empty containers previously containing combustible materials)
    • Items allowed to be submitted as part of an Exhibit with restriction:
      • Soil or waste samples if permanently encased in a slab of acrylic
      • Photos and/or other visual depictions if:
        1. Deemed non-offensive by a Fair Official.
        2. Credited sources (Photography “taken by” or “Images taken from”) are attached. If all images are from a single source, then one credit is sufficient.
        3. Signed consent forms for photographs of human subjects to be turned in at exhibit check-in.
      • Electrical devices or any apparatus with unshielded belts, pulleys, chains, or moving parts with tension points must be inoperable and for display only unless receiving prior approval from a Fair Official.
      • Nature collections must be sealed behind acrylic making the materials inaccessible to the public.
Entry Fees
  • There is a $10 fee per exhibit entry payable in one of the following methods.
    • Pay $10 via cash, check, debit or credit card due by the close of Exhibit Check-in at the Fair.
      • Checks shall be made payable to Mastodon Fair. Please include the participant’s name and exhibit ID # on the check.
      • Payment may be mailed to Mastodon Fair, 1000 Viking Drive, Hillsboro, MO 63050 or turned in at Exhibit Check-In.
    • Volunteer for Mastodon Fair for 4 hours. Volunteers less than 16 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Your volunteer hours may be any time before April 30 of the year of the Fair, but must be scheduled with the Fair prior to the close of Exhibit Check-in. If volunteer hours are not completed as scheduled then the participant will be charged the $10 entry fee.
    • Entry Fee Scholarship: Those applying for an Entry Fee Scholarship must do so 3 days prior to the start of the Fair. You will be notified prior to the start of the Fair if you are the recipient of an Entry Fee Scholarship.
    • Receipt of School Sponsorship: Schools may apply to receive Sponsorship for their students’ entry fees. Applications must be received by the close of Online Registration. School administrators will be notified prior to March 1 if their school is the recipient of sponsorship. If the school is not selected, then the school or individual Participants are responsible for completing some other form of payment prior to the close of Exhibit Check-in in order to not be disqualified.
    • School Fundraiser: Schools may schedule a fundraising event with Mastodon Fair in order to receive a $5 discount on entry fees. The fundraising event must be scheduled prior to the start of the Fair. The school or individual Participants will be responsible for submitting payment for the balance of the entry fee(s) by the close of Exhibit Check-in.
  • Schools who fail to have at least 90% of Participants complete Exhibit Check-In may a charged “No Show fee” of $3.00 for each Exhibit not checked-in which will be due by the date of the Awards Ceremony.
  • Disqualified exhibits may not be judged and may not receive prizes.
  • Prizes to be awarded in the competition are subject to change, up until the close of Exhibit Check-in.
  • Prizes won by a Class will be picked up by the Teacher, not the individual students.
  • Prize winners are responsible for picking up their prizes at the Award Ceremony or by scheduled appointment. Those who do not claim their prize(s) prior to May 1 of the year in which they were won will forfeit the prize(s).
  • Winners will be solely responsible for all federal, state, and local taxes associated with any prizes.


We strongly encourage feedback and would love to hear from you. We are going through a lot of changes lately and we want to ensure we meet the needs of our community.

Oh no!

Registration is closed

We typically open registration as early as October, so please check back later. We’re working hard to take your feedback and build a bigger and better Art and Science fair. We look forward to seeing you there!

Stay up to date with the latest and greatest events, notifications, and annual winners by subscribing!